New, Used & Green Office Furniture


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( 855 ) 553 - 2500

Mon - Fri: 8AM - 5PM PST





8.8 Million Reasons to Stop Dumping Office Furniture in the Landfill

According to the EPA, nearly 9 million tons of usable office equipment end up in landfills every year.


Inevitably, there comes a time when every organization needs to dispose of excess office furniture and equipment. Changing offices, renovations, going out of business, and downsizing are common events that can equate to an excess of office furniture, and a majority of the time the furniture needs to be disposed of immediately. Unfortunately, these situations often leave businesses with no alternative but to discard their furniture promptly where it ultimately ends up in a landfill.


Over 22 years ago, MFC decided to do their part to prevent office furniture from ending up in our landfills. We developed a solution, an efficient 3-step process for getting rid of excess office furniture and equipment - and none of it ends up in a landfill!

During the last 22 years, our process has become a valuable community resource for business owners, facilities managers, non-profits, commercial real estate professionals, and others who need to eliminate excess office furniture and equipment. MFC helps them do this in an environmentally responsible way. We can help you too!




-  F u r n i t u r e   L i q u i d a t i o n s   -  

Our team will assess your old furniture, purchase it from you, disassemble it and remove it for you.

-  F u r n i t u r e   R e m a n u f a c t u r i n g   -

We help our clients repurpose their excess furniture as part of our design process.

-  R e c y c l i n g  -

Anything that can’t be sold, is repurposed, donated, or recycled.

  -  D o n a t i o n s  -

We donate tons of office furniture to local area non-profits every year. Contact us to find donation drop-off locations near you!



If you have excess office furniture and equipment that you’d like to get rid of in a responsible way, please contact us at 877-275-2991