Herman Miller Action Office 2® is re-configurable with components designed to respond to inevitable changes in the workplace. Panels, work surfaces, and hanging storage units combine for a strategic balance. The system limits the number of components to the most basic and versatile, simplifying ordering, installation, and inventory storage. The Action Office was designed with the intention of providing space to work, privacy, and an increase in productivity. It was certainly not designed to increase employee density in small areas of office space, and quickly became a successful product due to the rise in white-collar jobs, rise in office remodeling costs, and government changes in office furniture depreciation specifications.
Price does not include delivery. Pricing on workstations is based on using a shared center spine/center divider with workstations on each side. Additional costs incurred for single, non-shared spines, additional panels, power and installation. Our design team can help design a layout that will help reduce these costs.
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